The Marine Biologists at Sandies Bathala have initiated a Coral Garden restoration initiative to conserve and protect the coral reefs for the future as part of a continuous pledge to prioritize ocean conservation and protect the natural ecosystem of the Maldives.

Coral reef restoration takes expertise, forethought, and scale. Since the reef needs to be repopulated, the Marine Biology team has created the first mid-water coral nursery on Bathala to evaluate and, in a subsequent stage, increase coral production. This practice, known as "coral gardening," involves growing coral pieces in a nursery under optimal conditions before they are big enough to be planted on the reef. This enables the growth of thousands of new corals with a greater chance of surviving on the reef within a year. The biologists are closely observing the development of corals growing on "Bathalantis" in order to evaluate and improve the procedure.

Sandies Bathala launch Coral Conservation Program.

The goal of the coral cookie initiative is to actively involve visitors by having them adopt and name coral bits. By salvaging damaged corals and fastening them to "Coral Cookies" before they are cemented to the reef alongside visitors, the resort replenishes shallow portions of the Bathala house reef. Along with a certificate and pictures of the event, participants gain a greater understanding of coral reef ecology and strategies for maintaining coral reef health.

All diving and snorkeling guests are welcome to see the coral nursery, "Bathalantis," therefore the Sandies Bathala biologists are pleased to give you a quick tour. Contact Dr. Inga Dehnert, the Marine Research Manager at [email protected] for further information, or send an email to [email protected].

Sandies Bathala launch Coral Conservation Program.